Do you have a confidential news tip? Share it with Reuters


With about 2,500 journalists in nearly 200 cities, supported by a dedicated global investigative team, Reuters has the expertise and resources to chase news to the ends of the earth.

If you have significant information of public interest, Reuters has several ways tipsters can communicate confidentially with its journalists. No system is 100 percent secure. But the tools below can help protect your anonymity.

The more documents, data or other evidence you include to substantiate your tip, the more likely it is that we’ll be able to investigate it. The best tips include evidence of what is happening, as well as an explanation of why this is important and what the consequences are.

If you wish to submit a substantial number of documents, please contact us by the means below and we will explain the most secure way.

Please do not use the tips line to send press releases, freelance story proposals or feedback on stories we have written. For those, please use our contact us page or reach out directly to relevant reporters.

We review every message but are not able to respond to each one. If our reporters have questions about your tip, you may hear from them directly.


Signal is a free phone app that allows you to make calls and to send messages, images or video. Your communications are end-to-end encrypted, meaning they can only be read by your intended recipients. Signal keeps only your phone number and profile information. Its servers do not access or store your transmitted data, and you can configure the service to delete messages from your phone automatically at certain time intervals.

Our Signal number is +1 (347) 880-5627
You can read Signal’s privacy policy here:
Download the app here:

Encrypted email

You can send encrypted email messages via Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). You will need client software or a browser extension, such as the Chrome extension Mailvelope, to send the message. The extension will encrypt the content of the message, but not the identity of the sender, recipient, subject line or the time and date when it was sent. The fingerprint of our public key and a link to download it are below. You can also send encrypted email to reporters directly. A list of their public keys is at the end of this page.

Our PGP fingerprint: 5A87 FE02 6E64 8F5B
Download Mailvelope here:

Postal mail

We recommend you use a public mailbox, not a post office, to mail a letter or package to Reuters.

Reuters News Tips
c/o Blake Morrison, investigative projects editor
3 Times Square, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Reuters News Tips
c/o Reade Levinson, data and enterprise reporter
5 Canada Square
London, UK E14 5AQ

Reuters News Tips
c/o Peter Hirschberg, investigative projects editor
Level 10, 60 Margaret St
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

Enterprise reporter contacts

Clare Baldwin
B12F 9B87 C106 B2F8 E673  6AC4 55C7 F571 0092 FC5B

Lawrence Delevingne
E24D 3397 8A9F 827A

Stephen Grey
B369 7C75 8B19 5DAD 5143 DFD9 DB70 F0E2 AA55 E840

Aditya Kalra
946C 0BBE ABC7 1DF1

Sara Ledwith
7012 4B89 A4CA 3892 E212 1171 66CF 697C 32AE 14BA

Reade Levinson
B789 C7FD C4E1 55A6

Rachael Levy
Signal: +1 202 967 6233

Andrew RC Marshall
9CD9 5185 9F13 EEED B04B  2083 1B4A 76E7 78B7 3FC0

Ryan McNeill
10A7 03D3 E737 F6E7

Ned Parker
4571 8CAE 9EDE AB24

Janet Roberts
468C D09F EE4E D26C

Mica Rosenberg
2BD1 9CC8 0CDD BABF DD33  49EF 258F E990 DF18 6BDB

John Shiffman
4F60 8225 680E 2025

Steve Stecklow
7780 AEBF 9C63 DE0D C6A2  20E2 7809 F574 F8B6 6632

Charlie Szymanski
8DCE 7522 EE80 EC2B

Maurice Tamman
810F F2BC 8C66 8E9F

Marisa Taylor