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Wednesday, November 29, 2017
WHO fears complacency as progress against malaria stalls
LONDON (Reuters) - Progress in the global fight against malaria has stalled amid signs of flatlining funding and complacency that the mosquito-borne disease is less of a threat, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.
U.S. HIV diagnoses improving, but progress varies: CDC
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Delays in the time between becoming infected with HIV and getting a diagnosis are shortening, helped by efforts to increase testing for the virus that causes AIDS, U.S. health officials said.
Europe's HIV epidemic growing at alarming rate, WHO warns
LONDON (Reuters) - The number of people newly diagnosed with HIV in Europe reached its highest level in 2016 since records began, showing the region's epidemic growing "at an alarming pace", health officials said on Tuesday.
UK gives Pfizer world's first over-the-counter Viagra approval
LONDON (Reuters) - Pfizer's big-selling erectile dysfunction drug Viagra has been given a green light for sale without a prescription in Britain, the first country to grant it over-the-counter status.
Tens of thousands dying from $30 billion fake drugs trade, WHO says
LONDON (Reuters) - One in 10 drugs sold in developing countries is fake or substandard, leading to tens of thousands of deaths, many of them of African children given ineffective treatments for pneumonia and malaria, health officials said on Tuesday.
German minister's vote on weed-killer should not happen again: Merkel
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday said she regretted a conservative minister's vote in favor of an EU proposal to extend the use of a weed-killer against the wishes of a cabinet colleague, adding such incident should not happen again.
Dark web drug market growing rapidly in Europe: report
LISBON (Reuters) - The illegal drug trade on the dark web is growing rapidly, despite authorities shutting down major market sites like AlphaBay, as crime gangs diversify and seek new clients online, a report by two European Union agencies warned on Tuesday.
WHO fears deadly diphtheria outbreak among Rohingya refugees
GENEVA (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees who fled from Myanmar into Bangladesh are at risk from a possible outbreak of diphtheria, the World Health Organization said in a report published on Tuesday.
The doctor will see you now - but often not for long
(Reuters Health) - For half of the world’s population, primary care doctor visits last less than five minutes, researchers say.
Hip fracture surgery delays tied to higher odds of death
(Reuters Health) - Many patients with fractured hips don’t get surgery quickly enough to avoid an increased risk of complications and death, a Canadian study suggests.
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