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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Greek says expects bailout deal by August 18
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece expects to conclude a bailout deal with international lenders by Aug. 18, with the drafting of the accord starting on Wednesday, government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili said on Tuesday.
French police release Gabon official held in corruption probe
PARIS (Reuters) - French police have released the chief of staff to Gabon's President Ali Bongo who was detained for questioning in a corruption probe after the foreign ministry said he had diplomatic immunity, a judicial source said on Tuesday.
Toyota says not optimistic on China profitability; books record first-quarter earnings
TOKYO (Reuters) - Toyota Motor Corp said it "can't be optimistic" about profitability in China, the world's biggest auto market, where slowing growth is forcing the Japanese manufacturer to cut prices and offer buying incentives to keep up with rivals.
Internet experts submit draft plan for U.S. to cede domain oversight
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After months of work, a group of international Internet experts has released a proposal describing how the U.S. government can complete its domestically controversial plan to cede oversight of the non-profit that manages the Internet's names and addresses.
U.S. drones capture breath samples from humpback whales in study
BOSTON (Reuters) - Researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Cape Cod have begun using a helicopter-style drone to monitor humpback whales off the coast, collecting breath samples from their blowholes and taking aerial pictures.
Goodes returns to Swans, hopes to face Cats
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Adam Goodes has returned to the Sydney Swans and put his hand up for selection after taking leave from the Australian Rules club under stress from the incessant booing he faced during matches.
Trapero returns to Venice Film Festival with 'El Clan'
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine filmmaker Pablo Trapero returns to compete at the Venice Film Festival with "El Clan" (The Clan), a drama based on the real-life Puccio family who kidnapped and killed people around Buenos Aires in the 1980s.
Arizona man says he beheaded wife 'to get the evil out': police
PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona man who admitted to decapitating his wife and her two dogs in a bloody incident last month in Phoenix told authorities he was attempting "to get the evil out" of her, according to court documents released on Monday.
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