Italy govt talks between 5-Star and League going well -joint statement

League party leader Matteo Salvini speaks next to President of Fratelli d'Italia party Giorgia Meloni and Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi following a talk with Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinale palace in Rome
League party leader Matteo Salvini (C) speaks next to President of Fratelli d'Italia party (Brothers of Italy) Giorgia Meloni (L) and Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi following a talk with Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinale palace in Rome, Italy, May 7, 2018. Italian Presidential Press Office/Handout via... Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab Read more
ROME (Reuters) - Negotiations on forming a coalition government between the far-right League and the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement are going well and a deal could be wrapped up soon, the two parties said in a joint statement on Thursday.
"Significant steps forward have been made on the composition of the government and on the (nomination) of a prime minister," the statement said following a meeting between League leader Matteo Salvini and 5-Star chief Luigi Di Maio.
"...the aim is to define everything in a short space of time to provide answers and a political government quickly to the nation," the statement added. The talks, which kicked off on Wednesday, look set to end nine weeks of political deadlock.

Reporting by Crispian Balmer

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